Sunday, August 22, 2010

life can be so hard sometimes

People come and go in your life and when they come and then suddenly they disappear and left you wondering why did they come in your life in the first place because they leave a big hole. Really if you don't let them in, then they cant do any damage to you, which is a very good motto to me. Everyone leave sooner or later and always wonder why, what have I done wrong this time and why did you leave me here alone again and why I cant I go. So why do some people go through life thinking this and why do people go through life not caring if happens to them, is it because they don't have a heart or they just don't  care about people. Well I was always like this and sometimes it will be so easy to go back this way. It so easy to be not around people that will hurt you and it will be so easy not have anyone close to you. Then I look at my children and my granddaughter and wonder I cant be that person because of them. They make me care, well some times. Stop coming in my dreams, this time I wont do it this time, why do you always want me to wreck my life. Yeah you are probably think I'm going crazy but I'm not. Why do you show me things in my dream for what my life will be like, if I'm alone again. Why do you invade my dreams to give the lies or is it the truth and if it does happen I will be alone again, its that you what. I don't want that, so stay out or i just wont sleep for awhile until it stops. Maybe I am going crazy and or just the sub concussion. Just stay out of my dreams you cant hurt me anymore.......

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