Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas and not a very good daughter or mother sister.

Christmas started off crap and then lunch happen and seeing my mum has me very worried and hearing what my sisters were saying about her. Then it didn't get any better lisa forgot to put the baby bag in and when we realise it was to late and it was gone, with everything, like her purse and all his baby stuff. So that night i stay home and while everyone else went out. So much was told to me yesterday and so much not saying here. So i'm really worried about my mum.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Am I going to survive christmas and the lead up and after, I really dont know if I want to anymore.....

Monday, December 19, 2011

I feel like crap

Today I had a lot plan to do, first do some more Christmas shopping, which is a matter of importance's but no the body wont move and the head is not here at all. Start some new stuff and I cant get the around what its doing to me. I feel like if I don't finish my Christmas shopping.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Not great

Shit what a great day not, first everything went wrong from this morning and hasn't got any better here now. My body is so bloody sore and I just hurt all over. My heart is hurting so much my stomach my head and my legs. These meeting I go to are they helping or are they making make decision, which Im not ready to make. they are telling me things that make me think, maybe they are right about some and they telling me what really people are like. I don't believe them but maybe it starting to make sense to me.

Sunday, December 11, 2011


Depression happens to us all sometimes in our lives. It's not a bad thing and some cope better than others. Just remember always asked if they are ok. Just remember they might not show how they are feeling and how they are coping it doesn't mean they are. Deep down it stays and no one know how they are feeling, everyone is different. So this Christmas have a thought about people who are not coping and families that have lost someone to depression because we all know someone that has lost the battle or not ok. Keep safe


Grin and Bear It Your recipe for success: First, a dash of just being nice, no matter how much you'd prefer to fire your verbal spear at someone's jugular. Next, a pinch of remembering the day (the only day) that you, too, were possibly this annoying and third, a hearty dollop of self-control. You're the hottest show in town. What on earth will you do for an encore? Your audience can't wait! Take a chaperone along if you're shopping, dining out or thinking of investing. Or just keep a friend with a clipboard, legal pad and calculator handy.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Yes I'm so tired of all the bullshit that goes on and I'm sick of being to feel so down and out. I'm sick of been left out of some conversation and feel, just feel.


Absolutely Unstoppable! First thing this morning, find some bodyguards and commission them to discreetly nudge aside anyone who gets in your way. You won't take no for an answer! 'Maybe,' or 'We'll see,' won't work either. Anything less than absolute acquiescence to your demands will quickly lead to a heated situation. Consider carrying a fan! Sure, it's been fun trying to arrange 'coincidental' meetings and asking surreptitious questions of mutual friends, but it's time to put it all on the table. The results might be fabulous! Even if you're not ordinarily accident-prone, you will be now. You can cut down on ER visits if you force yourself to pay attention to what you're doing.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Whoops -- There It Is! You'll be dealing with your share of nervous energy, which could be a bit disconcerting to others. Too much tapping of the fingers and watching of the clock could make anyone nuts. Besides, isn't there something you really need to say? If that's what's causing all this, just say it! Getting together with that certain someone may prove to be a bit on the problematic side, thanks to what will seem to be interference from every possible front. Be persistent. tress is the malady of the day, and you'll feel it right down to your toes. Think of a creative use for it -- and feel free to use your imagination here ....