Friday, June 28, 2013

Stacey Formal

Stacey Formal is on tonight, she is so beautiful and Lisa did great job with her hair and makeup. He are some picture and funny ones of her and her boyfriend Nathan.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


I was so proud of Stacey tonight she had her performance night for school. She was brilliant. It was so nice to have my family around me and Stacey loved having her family there. Connor was so funny, he was dancing all night and he loved watching it. When Stacey went on he was yelling Stacey, Stacey.

Friday, June 14, 2013


This what Im doing all the time, im retraining my mind. Its working thanks to a very special person. THANKS RACHAEL <3>

Thursday, June 13, 2013


Having a missing you day mum, yesterday wasnt a crash off day at work and all I want was to talk to you and get hugs. It was nice to hug Stacey. I have a great team of people I work with. I had to go for a walk and they understood and we all knew it wasnt easy. Im just lucky. Im always thinking of you but you visit me in my dreams and leave message.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Love the long weekend and i was so nice to sleep in and just relax and yesterday we had student free day. Day of training and having fun, we always have fun as a staff. Well they say past teach you lesson and how it helps with your future. Well the past has taught me something and its a good thing. I have a great person that has come in to my life and know everything about my last friendship and what happen and how it break down, They know I dont trust to much or tell things but I have learnt that I can still open up and enjoy a new friendship. Im so grateful for the last friendship because it has shown me so much and i havent gone in to hidden at all. They come up and ask if Im ok and or am I telling them bullshit, that im fine. lol This is the first time im enjoying it and dont need to worry about anyone else. The funny thing is my stars say the friendships I make now will be for life. I have come to the conclude that I dont need expenise stuff, name brands and any thing else, I have the love of my family and great work mates and wonderful new friends. I dont care anymore how they feel and how they made me feel not anymore and Im so happy they have a wonderful and full life now and new friends. We both move on and i can enjoy me now. I have come along way from who I was over the last two years and I have been to hell and back and Im finally me the person that disappear two years ago, as my doctor has said your back. So you love or leave me I dont care, if you dont like who I am and dont like the way I am, dont come into my life this my new motto.

Monday, June 10, 2013


My nephew is getting married this month in England, He getting married in a castle with family and close friends. We all decide that we will send him a message and photos of us all. Here is my family photo that is going to him, no the messaga has be left of because it personal for him and his partner only......

Sunday, June 9, 2013

15 mins

As the title says 15 mins of fame. Yesterday we had cheap petrol and channel 7 was down there. They asked if I would be interview so I did. Lisa was a but embarrassed about. Hey who car was I in hers, she has eyes lashes on the front hmm. So I will share the video later. Well I filled my car up for 45 dollars, I normal put 50 in a week and that only gives me just over half. Well that's it for now.

Friday, June 7, 2013


I thought better get this in before it strikes 12. Today was my birthday and I was doing pretty well, that no one knew it was. I would normally finish work at 2 on Friday but a SSO was away and we can't leave a student on there own without a SSO, so I was the one that had lunch duty and class duty with them. So to the story, lisa and Connor decide it would be nice to visit mum and nanna at work for her birthday. So my boss comes in class and said get who's birthday it is today and got the class to sing to me. Lisa bought beautiful flowers to me and then Connor wouldn't let me go. It was a beautiful surprise. Then one of the teachers I work came up and gave me a big hug. You kept that quiet, yep I did. So the 6/7 started singing to me, while I was outside trying to keep this student calm. Love my day. So I took myself out Tuesday to Jesus Christ superstar as my gift to me. The only real gift I would have loved today, would have been a kiss and a hug from my mum. It's coming up to 6 months now and the grief and the pain is still with me but lucky I have great support from my work mates. As they say this is a family here. All I know they don't want me to leave there, so it's nice to know. Especially one if the teachers I work with.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Jesus Christ superstar

What a night last night was. I took stacey to this show. Wow is all I could say. Mel C and Jon Stevens, Tim minchin. So much in love with Tim his singing and he's not bad on the eye. Stacey and I was singing all the way to the car and in the car. People you see, last night one if the staff where I worked and two others that work thee for a few years ago. Then I pick up my mate from school off the road. Yeah she was there to and then she wa walking with her friends later. So I pick them up. It wa a great night to be away from life. Well I got to get back to work now, lunch is over and I have duty 2nd lunch. Great

Monday, June 3, 2013


I was waiting for Stacey finish school and where I was waiting they have traffic lights. A lot o student think they wont get hit, there has been nearly two hit why I was watching but the funny thing is they don't care about anyone but them self, not thinking how the driver would feel if they would be hit and the families. Watching the same ones doing every day its sad because they don't care and think it wont happening to them. One was nearly hit by a student of the school that drives, can you imagined how they would feel knowing they hurt or even kill.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Stacey New tattoo

This is Stacey new tattoo, its all about her and how she is a warrior. Yes with everything she has or is about to go through she just needs to look at her wrist and know she is strong and a warrior.