Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Love the long weekend and i was so nice to sleep in and just relax and yesterday we had student free day. Day of training and having fun, we always have fun as a staff. Well they say past teach you lesson and how it helps with your future. Well the past has taught me something and its a good thing. I have a great person that has come in to my life and know everything about my last friendship and what happen and how it break down, They know I dont trust to much or tell things but I have learnt that I can still open up and enjoy a new friendship. Im so grateful for the last friendship because it has shown me so much and i havent gone in to hidden at all. They come up and ask if Im ok and or am I telling them bullshit, that im fine. lol This is the first time im enjoying it and dont need to worry about anyone else. The funny thing is my stars say the friendships I make now will be for life. I have come to the conclude that I dont need expenise stuff, name brands and any thing else, I have the love of my family and great work mates and wonderful new friends. I dont care anymore how they feel and how they made me feel not anymore and Im so happy they have a wonderful and full life now and new friends. We both move on and i can enjoy me now. I have come along way from who I was over the last two years and I have been to hell and back and Im finally me the person that disappear two years ago, as my doctor has said your back. So you love or leave me I dont care, if you dont like who I am and dont like the way I am, dont come into my life this my new motto.

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