Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Christmas is in 4 days, I'm not ready at all and I ready don't want to have Christmas, if I had my way sleep until boxing day but nope. Yeah in a strange mood as someone would say. I'm trying so hard to get back in my uni studying but just cant get it, work hasn't help and put some much of my confidence out of wrack. I think do  want it as much as before and the answer is no but I do want to be a teacher or work with kids. I had look at my hours and who Im work with and that not going to happen, not working on one:one. Cricket we lost again, I'm not enjoying the lost part but I don't know if I can play anymore. I love cricket but I just cant get into any thing and really no one understand because they know where they are and happy to be where they are, I'm not.  I need a change but what is the question I have never been this bad, I love who I am and love what I did but now I hate who I am and what I want.
Thats is for now and let see whats happen tomorrow......

Cheers Deb

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