Friday, July 22, 2011

well I'm back

Home from holiday and it was all right but bloody so tired from it. The only thing was I didn't get to celebrate my friends birthday which is this weekend. I couldn't go out with them tonight because of my family, so I didn't get to have a drink with her. Well my sister-in-law is on the waiting list for her lungs transplant and now it wait and wait until a donor comes up,It not very nice to wait until some else dies but it the way it goes and we hope soon because she cant hang on much longer. It funny how people treat other people, you know I have been on some of that lately and I really getting pretty sick of it and one day I just might say something but it not going end well if I did, well more for me and I would loose so much. My daughter must be like me, she would give up things just to be there for her friends and I'm glad I have bought her up that way, then I know she will never be selves in her life and show what's important to her, I was so proud of her when she said she would give up anything for her friend.

Cheers Deb

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