Sunday, August 21, 2011

Whats next

I always wonder what next for me, today start alright then Stacey comes in cant open the boot of the car shit. So I went out of yes cant get into my boot, so we pulled the seat out and Stacey got in and saw a wire was broken. So I need find a part for my boot, luck there is a cord just inside the seat to pull to get in, so not using the boot very much for a while until fix. Then Stacey and I decide to head to Elizabeth centre but the funny thing is I forgot what I went there for, now the memory is going, shit what's next. Then we head to the paint shop and bought some paint for Stacey room and then to bunnings for other things. So you what's next, well if I knew I would stop it from happening and the only thing is I cant remember. So Stacey did pain some of her room and it a very pretty colour to. Head hurts and no sleep doesn't help either. Well that's it for now.

Cheers Deb

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