Saturday, August 30, 2008

What a week

Well where do I start, First I having trouble with my assignment and at the moment not in the mood to them but I don't have any choice so just pushing myself to do them. Then on Wednesday at school where I work, my daughter Stacey fell over in P.E. . One of the kids in the class I work in said, to me" hey Deb Stacey just fell over", I really thought nothing of it, then I look at the window and saw all these kids running to her. Shit i said to myself she must be hurt, so I run out to see and yes she was hurt and couldn't move her wrist on both hands and her knees were grazed and bloody. But I didn't freak out because she would have. So we got her up and took to the first aid room, to clean her up. Then when speaking to Judy, she said I think she needs to go and get xrays which i did. So now her and I are at the hospital waiting, as anyone know me I'm have a lot of patience, will I was trying. Three hours later I went to the nurse hey when she getting a xray. The nice comment from her, was how do you know she needs a xray, well blind Freddy would have seen it, that she need one. Then there was this lovely nurse that come out to see how she was, I asked her to check which num she was, but straight after that the doc came out ask for her. The look at her yes she fracture it and will need a xray, then plaster her wrist. She lucky that netball was over. Friday night her best friend got in the grand final, so next week she will play her first grand final.Well done Emma we are all proud of ya.
Cheers for now Deb

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