Saturday, May 2, 2009


I find this on a site I was looking through, Well I thought it was interesting. This on how it goes, Heavenly Angels, often referred to as guardian angels, are mentioned numerous times in scriptures. Therein we learn that angels are spiritual being created by god to serve him, and sent by god to watch over the human race, to deliver his message, to guard and protect us from danger, to do battle with other spiritual beings on our behalf. Since the beginning of time, Angels have delivered messages to mankind. Sometimes the messages are warnings of impending danger, sometimes instructions as to what in a particular situation, sometimes they are simply "there" as protection form enemy forces. Sometimes they bring joyful announcements as in the day they announced the birth of a child... The site is called I believe in Angels/heaven Angels....
Well where are the angels now when I need then most. I have a feeling one Angel is my close friend Sharon, I had a feeling people I love have sent her my way, to help me and been there when I fall. I really wish the people that I love were here to help when i fall.... At the moment I don't feel their there or I'm just not hearing them. I really need to hear them. This week is the anniversary of my dads death, I should go and visit my mum. It was hard for my mum to lose my dad especially when it became, were to celebrate mothers day that weekend after his funeral but it wasn't a great day for all of us. I don't like mothers day much, it hasn't be a fun day for us. I wish my dad and my nanna didn't leave us, but they didn't have a choice it was their time. I lost my best friend and my dad, in two years a part.. The funny thing is six months before my nanna died I have a dream she was there telling things will be all right. At the time my husband and I were not together, then after easter she pass away.Stacey was just a baby then and really didn't know her but i always talk about her to stacey. Why can't she talk to me now so I can understand what happening, I need her to talk to me. Yeah I know you all think I'm a idiot sorry, no I not sorry this how I deal with things, I need answer now, what I really need is my nanna. I haven't been to your grave site for awhile, I think it time to visit......... Yep you can tell I'm not in a right frame of mind at the moment..............................

thats it no more I'm going to see if I can dream and get some answer that I'm looking for...

Cheers Deb

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