Sunday, May 31, 2009


A mate of my rang me about going to the psychic fair today, she won tickets and $100 so we could go and have some fun. So we got there early and just look around and look around, i mean we went up and down the rows. We wanted to see who made us feel like we could have a reading with. i spoke to this lady and said I would like a reading but she was working for someone else. I told her well I want you to read to me but she couldn't so she gave me her card so I can contact her later, which I will. So I went with another one, that tape the reading which is good. So now it wait and see if some of it comes right. Some of it was about my best friend and I, and someone we both know. My nanna came in and spoke to me. She was right on some of it and she wouldn't had know it. My dad came in and slap my hand, then he left and let my nanna speak, thats my dad. She said I need to keep doing my own reading but just not to read them but use my feeling, they said i had a gift. I'm not giving to much away because I would like to see if some will come true first.

Cheers Deb

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