Thursday, December 27, 2012


I read something I wasn't meant too but i'm so glad I did. It was so scared to think she been thinking that way for a while. I put a friendship first before my daughter as she write. Thinking back she might have been right. No one knew she was going through this and how she was in a dark place and now she even more of a dark place, lucky for her boyfriend. I had to tell him it not about him, its about her. He such a caring one and my family told him your a keeper but. How much she hurt herself to the point she wanted to die. I think that would have destroy me if she did. I'm going to show her councilor because they need to see whats going on. she doesn't have any friends which is so sad. I look at her I see the pain in those big eyes, its so deep. So i put my pain back inside me and give her the attentions she needs and deserve. My mum and her got so close over the last few months when just her and I were going up there. She took a pic of my mum and I just before she died and I haven't been able to look at it. I hope she find the love of friendship again because I would hate to her became me.

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