Monday, July 26, 2010


I have really had enough, all I want to do is go and sleep for ever and never wake up until every is better. Happy Birthday to my Dad, he would have been 81, god i miss him so much. Maybe if was around he would put things in the right order for me. he knew how to help me and he knew what would be right for me or he just support me. My life might better than it is, but then again maybe not, but to be honest all he had to is just smile at me  and say Debbie I love you no matter what and just remember that all you need is love, well his love and my kids love and that's all I need. That's is all I keep thinking, you got their love so you be all right, but I don't feel right and I just seem to get things right. Maybe I should just be lone again, then again maybe not. Why is everything so hard and why do I always have to make decision. Maybe life shouldn't be any more and at least then there is no more decision but i think my dad and nanna would kick me in the ass if they saw me again.

Well that enough I feeling i need to sleep again.

Cheers Deb

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