Friday, March 13, 2009


Jess went to the doc and I didn't know until I read her facebook. She try to ring me today and I miss it. I really wish I didn't because she having test on her heart, she has alway had a heart murmur since she was a baby. They alway said she be fine but now the doc are concern and running test on her. Bloody hell why can't she just have a normal pregnancy no. So i rang her start away and now I'm kicking myself i should rang her early but no I'm caught up in my own little world of studying. So we were chatting about it at 1145 at night but she my daughter and I love her very much and if anything happen to her, I would be devastated she my heart and soul. So now we had to wait and see what happen with these test. Plus she told me they put her on more insulin, she has to have it twice a day. I know she trying not worry me but she mine. I'm her mum and mums are suppose to be their to protect their children and I don't feel I doing a very good job at protecting her. I'm suppose to being studying now but how can I. As I said before I really don't like these months, you know I don't pray but I'm praying to my dad and nanna to look after Jess and her baby. My Angel, my heart and soul and mind are always with you, with all my love and strength is with you everyday of your life use this to help you get through it. I love you Jess and our little one as well. love mum......

Cheers Deb

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