Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Two week to go

First assignment in and starting to write my second. Once I have done my my class work i can start writing it. My friend Sharon is letting me doing it in her class which is a god sense, I'm lucky to have her as a good friend. She helps me with my assignments, she goes through them with after I have written them. Yeah i didn't quit came close but I know I wouldn't forgive myself if i did, but it hard and sometimes I just don't understand it but i will try. If it wasn't for Sharon I know i wouldn't get through this. Thanks mate. Two weeks to go and we are on holiday yeah I'm looking forward to it. Just got a lot of school work but I don't want do all school work only in the holiday I need some time to me. I been thinking I might catch up with my mum one day in the holiday it will be dad anniversary soon I think I might head to the beach and watch the sea and birds and just think. I love going to mums and just sitting on the beach and just chill. It the only place I feel close to my dad and where i can remember him taking me fishing when i was a kid. It was the only time dad I was close. Dad was alot different when I grew up and I couldn't understand why but I do now he didn't know how to be the same father as he was when i was a kid. I was a grow women and he really didn't understand but he still was protect of me though. I still feel he is still protecting me now.
Cheers Deb

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