Saturday, July 4, 2009

what a day

Today was a very hard day. Today my three sisters and my brother and nephew went up to our mums place to help clean up her place. We hire a Skip and mean we hire a bloody big one i have never seen one this big wow, i was thinking we will never fill this but we did. We cut all the trees back and I mow all the lawns and her drive way. Then we clean out her sheds and my two sister clean out her house a bit and she was freaking out a little. What was funny I got something out of the shed and start walking to the skip and she yells out from the house put that back now, I try to sneak it out but I got caught. It was nice seeing my brother and nephew, we was having so much fun, he was giving me a hard time and I was giving it back to him. My mum has a lemon tree in the back yard Brodie was cutting it down, my brother asked if I could get some lemons for him so I decide that I would start throwing them at him. I really stuff though, I'm glad I stayed at home tonight. My two older sister birthdays are this weekend, carol was yesterday and Sandie is tomorrow, So a big happy birthday sisters..... My other half is away at the moment and it is really nice, no pressure I'm really enjoying it. As well I'm enjoying the start of my school holiday yahoo two weeks of nothing and it feels so good .....

Cheers Deb

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