Thursday, February 12, 2009

finally I have join

Yep that right after my kids and my friends have ask me to join I finally did. That's right i join face book, my kids have try over the last year to join but nah I really didn't want but I have now. Gee there is alot of my footy mate from my playing days on there and we are already friends on my facebook. My kids are my friend and I have invite some I already know to be my friends. Plus my sisters are on there and my niece and my footy i barrack for. Guess what I even invite one from a team I really don't like but I do have respect for him and his brother. Am i mad maybe but I'm on now. Happy birthday to my school i work at it our 40Th today.

Cheers Deb

1 comment:

Jules said...

Hi :)

I joined Facebook a while ago. It was fun in the beginning and something else to do on the net , but I am bit over it now :(

I haven't found any friends from the past on it yet. I just look popular because of people I know from forums and other sites. I also have Cavaliers(dogs), and people keep adding me as their friend if they own them too, but they never even say hi after grrrr. I don't get that?! LOL