Tuesday, February 24, 2009

one year today

My heart is breaking for my daughter jess today. She lost her baby this time last year, when she rang me today at work i was really trying not to bring it up. I know she was thinking about it, she had more test done today, she has diabetes. So when we were talking she was saying she has to test her blood four times a day for now and then see if she needs has to having insulin. Well at least they can protect her and the baby and that a good thing. So i told her keep her chin up and think every fine and the baby healthy, but what was really saying yes I know what today is and I'm thinking of you. I try to work so hard and not think about it to much and I know when she rang me all she want was me to talk but it really hard when I'm at work. Then I wish I didn't come home Hell broke loose. My son has decide he doesn't want to go school, my son is a different program than normal school. he only has to go school 3 days a week for 45 min. Today was the first day back but he go no, I was still asleep. He had to go to school at 1:25, I was not happy with that so i let loose and said you have to for one lesson. So he not talking and it my fault and telling me to leave and not come back. The swearing gee I really get enough of that my school where I work at. So that one child two go, yep lisa just not really happy with me, she has spinal bifida i said I need make appointment for her to your doc, no was the answer i don't want injection. Lisa every 6 months has to have blood test to see how her kidneys are. I told her, she has to get over the fact she has spinal bifida, well that was the wrong thing but the truth. With all this going on stacey has hid in herself bedroom, i should have hid with her.Well that enough of crap I better get on with my school work now.

Cheers Deb

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