Sunday, April 4, 2010


I decide I need to get out of this house and go for a long walk, so Stacey and I going down to beach for a walk. i have so much to think about and this might be the way to it. I need to get way from studying to I have really had enough of it and I just don't understand it. Maybe I need to get rid of the cobwebs. So much to think about and how to make the right decision and not the wrong one. So much happen over last couple of weeks and i really need to think and think, with my school reunion and things coming out of that from my long lost best friend and how she realise what happen with us 34 years ago and why. As I have written before with our friend and what they went through. What happen at work on the last day of school and how I need to make a very important decision and what was said to me, or not what was said. I know I shouldn't write how I feel here but i need to express it some where because my life has been turn up side down. Sometime I think why do we worry about anything, maybe because when you have been so hurt by someone you would think they would never hurt and the thing is they didn't realise they did. I know one person I should be talking to, they would probably agree with that to and I'm sorry I'm not, just please don't be angry or upset with me please.

Well I'm off now and going for the long walk and get rid of those cobwebs and then hopefully everything will be getting back to normal what ever normal is...... Hopefully i can finished my catch up with my school work..... And I can be happy again with all my life and stop thinking what I cant have and just enjoy what I have and the people that are in my life, before I loose these people

Cheers Deb

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