Tuesday, September 11, 2012


I feel very sorry for Stacey, because of my mistake she cant even talk to her friend. Stacey keeps saying its ok but it not ok. I was a idiot for what I did at the weekend, there was no excuse for my action. When I was talking about to my councillor and what lead to it, if only they didn't stop and just walk past I said I wouldn't have did what I did. They just said hey Deb I think it was meant to happen, oh great, until then Stacey could ring her friend now she cant. So now we are talking through all this but all this wasn't my fault, it was both of us, I just finished it badly. It just feels like they blame me for all of it but my councillor said it wasn't and I shouldn't take all the blame, so this what I need to do. Forgive myself, when we were talking all the stuff from when I was a kid to now. I told them I wasn't like this 2 years ago, so now we are looking at what started this and I have a feeling. So that's the next session. Cheers Deb

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