Tuesday, June 9, 2009

jess and life

Jess rang me about 10:30 last night, she been cramping over the day and has lost some fuild. Chris and his mum made jess who is starting to freak. When she rang me I told her to relax and lets see what the hospital say. So they were running test after test to see whats going on. The blood test came back with something wrong with it so they said they were keeping her in for the rest of the night. so I got home back from the hospital at 4, try to get to sleep, which was about two hours. then i rang her at 845 to see how she was then again at 1055, she still had to wait for a scan. she mess me at 1240 to let me know she of home and to bed, i glad but they must keep a eye on her now. At the moment I keeping to myself, not talking to anyone, just can't be bother. well I'm not going in to it, it staying with me in my head and where no one can go.

Cheers Deb

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