Tuesday, December 16, 2008

holidays are here day 2

Not much going on at the moment. I played cricket last night against my old club it wasn't a pretty site. Well you can say we not on talking terms anymore. To be honest I don't care. I was bit of a bitch last night, they rub me up the wrong way and find out, that i can give, as I get. Didn't really have good game but I really hurt myself My family was trying to get me to go to the doc but I'm a stubborn person I just putting up with the pain as long I don't move the wrong way, the lounge seat was a very comfort way of sleeping last night and more likely tonight as well. I have decide to not depend on any one any more, just me it safe that way. Then no one can disappoint you, to many disappointment over last few months but not anymore. This my new year resolution. I know what some people thinking great Deb gone back to who she was. I know my family are saying that, well that to bad. I have really enough giving in and letting people walk all over me. I might find myself alone but the price I will have to pay just to be me. You can say the twin is coming out of me, as you can see I'm a Gemini and very proud to be one but hard to live with. You have two people on your shoulder, one saying just do what everyone wants or say but the other saying nah do what you wanted, everyone else will and not consider you. yeah I might sound like a bitch at the moment but that how I feel at the moment. Well on a happy note. Stacey caught up with her best friend Emma tonight, I love the way they have fun chatting and mucking around. It was like they haven't see each other for weeks but it be for only 4 days. That's what you call true friendship. I'm taking Stacey to see magic cave this week, she still believe in Santa which is so cute but can be a bit annoying. We went to see the movie twilight what great movie looking forward to the no 2.
Cheers Deb

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