Wednesday, December 31, 2008


My son has turn 15 today. 15 years ago i spent new years in hospital, I had Jake today he was due Christmas but he really didn't want to come out. So the doc gave me something to take so a week late here came Jake. He was a very big baby and they were making some hard decision to whether how I could have. when he was born they took him straight way from me he was jumping out of his cot. He had high blood sugar count. So every 15min he had to a test, his Little heals had a lot of pin picks in then. He still a big boy and I do have more grey this year so let hope not as many next year. So a big Happy Birthday Jake we love u.

Well it new year eve so I'm heading off to my best mate house for the night to bring the new year in. So happy new year everyone and see ya next year.
Cheers Deb

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