Sunday, October 21, 2012


My life might not be perfect but I'm so happy with it. I was told forgive people the way they think about you, which I have I but they can't. Let go all the negative people in my life which I have and I feel so much better for it. I can see I had to many negative people in my life that didn't help the way I was because of their negative spread to me. Allison help with that and now I'm trying to get Stacey to feel positive about her life. The way I see life is so different than before. I don't let things get to me any more I can move on. Which I have done its so much easier to not let things get to. Not long for Jess and Chris. Love the idea mother of the bride. Just wish I could get some else just excite as I am but hey I think you wouldn't rub this smile off my face any way. Looking forward to the girls fitting on Tuesday night. You all have to wait after the wedding to see their dresses and my but they are beautiful.

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