Friday, September 2, 2011


There's only one way to make room for new life: You've got to let go of the old stuff that's holding you back from getting there. This is your moment to shake free of whatever it is that happens to be weighing you down. Shake hard! Stop trying to swim against the tide. Didn't your mother ever teach you to paddle parallel to the shore until you were out of danger? "The Eight of Swords card suggests that my power today lies in denial or blocking. 'Don't even go there.' I will not let myself be limited, paralyzed, held hostage or alienated by fear or fantasy that relies on exploitive emotional rescue, sacrifice of truth, or victimization. I will not be a prisoner to my own perceptions or expectations. Why did Cinderella stay? Do I want to be right or alone? Why have I placed a mental gag order on my own suffering or thinking? I am empowered to question or endure by virtue of my own self-worth because there is no honor in sacrificing my self to victimhood."

Cheers Deb

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