Saturday, September 24, 2011


Whether or not you intend it, you'll be doing an awful lot of chatting about yourself for the time being. That doesn't mean you're self-centered, egotistical or inordinately wrapped up in your own affairs. And if someone doesn't believe it -- well, all they'll have to do is ask you .... Ready to ditch your job, your home and the person you've been with for the past x number of years? Well, be sure before you do it. This, too, may pass. Ducking everyone who'll be clamoring for your attention may be exhausting, but not necessarily aerobic. You can convince anyone to do anything, though -- including something a bit more strenuous. Your guardian angel is waiting and ready to help you find the right life's work. Close your eyes and picture the path you need to follow to get there. Thinking today, what the different between close friends and best friend or are they the same thing??? Sometime I wonder if they are, then I think well what would I do with out my best friend and over the last week I have been finding out. I think we lucky to really sit and talk or just hang together, it would have been probably about 2 hours all up. I really miss it the talking and just hanging but this the way it has to be and I might not like it but this is life and I have to get use to. :( Cheers Deb

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