Sunday, September 18, 2011

Understanding Life.

Don't ever predict any thing because it will all fall apart, never presume anything because it will fall right down on you. Over the last few days I have learnt a lot about me. Firstly I can walk 12km and finished something for a change and shove it up someone ass because they said it would take me 4 hours. and it only took me 2h 10min. Secondly I can walk away from things and feel fine about it. The world will still spin even with out you. don't count on anyone because somewhere along they will always let you down, this lesson was very hard to learn but will never forget again but with this lesson I understand why, it happen. Not everything is my fault, like I have always thought. Thirdly family will always come first before anything and I will have to remember this lesson because I have let my down. The very last lesson,when old friends come back in your life let in and forget anything that made them not be friends and the very last one is never be sorry for anything you do because deep down you always thought you were doing the right thing but now you find out you weren't, let by gone be by gone. Cheers Deb.

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