Saturday, September 17, 2011


You're far too busy right now to pay attention to such trivial issues as your home or your career. Problem is, each of these areas of your life may have several persuasive representatives on board to lobby you in their direction. Whew! Better double up on those vitamins. Just when you thought it was safe to come out, friends are starting to take bids on how long you'll be able to manage the balancing act you've been juggling, Is it truly impossible to serve two masters? Maybe not -- but it will become eminently clear to you now that it's certainly not easy to pull off. "The World card suggests that my alter ego is The Conqueror, whose superpower lies in graduation to the next level. Today I am free. I have accomplished my mission and feel on top of the world. I will enjoy the experience to its fullest. I have come full circle on my path to success. My job is done, my dream fulfilled, and I have them eating out of my hands. Accept and embrace the journey taken. It has served great purpose in my growing wiser and stronger, and has provided a sense of relief in that now it's complete." Cheers Deb

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