Sunday, October 23, 2011

Stars for today

Wear Power Colours You may not realize how powerful you are right now -- but since you've been told, take advantage of it! You can have whatever you want. Talk to the powers that be, and outline your demands. Be firm, but awfully sweet. You're guaranteed to win them over. They want you to commit, but you're just not ready. They're threatening to leave if you don't. Doesn't sound like the perfect beginning, does it? Think it over. Yes, you're forceful. Really forceful. Just don't scare anyone. It wouldn't be good for business, and you're much nicer than all that. While you're deciding what to wear, keep in mind that black and red really do project an aura of power -- and not just because some fashionista says so. "The Four of Swords card suggests that my power today lies in recovery. Our mutual losses or experience deserve to be acknowledged or remembered with dignity, honor, and respect even as we regroup to move forward. I am willing to work on forgiveness and letting go of the past in order to find peace. It's time to give it a rest. I am empowered by stillness and my virtue is silence." Cheers Deb

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