Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sun( stars)

Go Easy Do not pass go, do not attempt to collect $200 and do not -- repeat, do not -- allow yourself to be in the vicinity of whoever or whatever it is that pushes your buttons. If you feel yourself losing it, leave. Immediately. Don't waste time pouting if someone suddenly reneges on a promise or disappoints you. You're all grown-up now -- remember? That means getting used to others who aren't. This is no time to pretend there's nothing wrong if you're really furious. You won't be able to, for starters -- and why pass up the opportunity to say your peace? Your guardian angel is waiting and ready to help you find the right life's work. Close your eyes and picture the path you need to follow to get there. There are worse things than a graceful retreat. Keep that in mind if someone challenges you and you know you're not up for it. "The Ten of Swords card suggests that my power today lies in acceptance. It's over and done in no uncertain terms. I recognize, surrender to or accept the finality of the truth or consequences in order to look to the future or have ""changed my mind."" I let go of all attachment or resistance to sustaining conditions that don't work or are out of my hands. E tu brute? I can't move forward by beating a dead horse. It's the last word so put a period on it and move on. I am empowered by truth and consequences and my virtue is liberation or release from suffering, uncertainty or victimhood."

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