Thursday, October 6, 2011


Touchy, Touchy!

The easy thing to do is to forget how well you were brought up, and let the cause of your irritation and frustration have it right between the eyes. Unfortunately, as you already know, it's not the right thing -- and you won't feel good about yourself afterward. Kickboxing, anyone? Nobody said being in love was easy. It's usually a trade-off. If it's not a fair one, it's their turn to give in -- and your turn to remind them. Feel like you're swimming upstream, and getting tired fast? Then stop fighting the tide. Let go, and learn to surf. "The Tower card suggests that my alter ego today is the Survivor, whose superpower for revolution lies in my epiphany for change, brought on with the aid of a serious reality check. Today I have reached a turning point. It may be all over but the crying -- but I have the strength to move on and create a better situation for myself. You may say that I never saw it coming or learned the hard way, but with profound change comes new opportunity. One door closes -- another opens. So tear down the wall, and rebuild anew."

Cheers Deb

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